
Download southern armyworm
Download southern armyworm

download southern armyworm

The “face” is marked with a light-colored inverted Y. When fully grown, larvae may be up to 11⁄2 inches long and vary in color from light green to almost black with several stripes along the body (fig. As they grow, their bodies darken and noticeable stripes appear. The tiny, light-colored, black- headed larvae spin down to the ground on silken webs and begin to feed. All the eggs within a mass hatch at about the same time. These masses darken with age, and the eggs hatch within 2 to 4 days. The eggs are light gray and covered with grayish fuzz from the female’s body. Most eggs are laid 4 to 9 days after the female emerges from the pupal stage. They will also lay eggs on the grass itself. They prefer to lay eggs on light- colored surfaces such as fence rails, tree trunks, and the underside of tree limbs. The female moths lay eggs at night in masses of several hundred.

Download southern armyworm